When I was accepted into the Peace Corps as a Natural Resource Management Volunteer in Mexico I was excited for a number of reasons, one of them being the opportunity to focus on my health and fitness. When I left the Army in 2014 I was in the best shape of my life, but by the time I graduated college in 2018 I had successfully undone all of that hard work (I’m sure working at a brewery and eating out for nearly every meal had something to do with that). So when I realized the reoccurring themes in all of the Peace Corps blogs of people complaining about excess free time and crippling boredom, I saw an opportunity to fill some of that time with exercise. However, I was left with one problem, how was I going to exercise in rural Mexico?

While I knew during my Peace Corps service I was going to have plenty of time to workout and get in shape, I was very aware the odds of my rural community having a gym were slim to none. I could obviously put together a bodyweight routine and just do calisthenics, but I figured bringing some equipment would help me diversify my workouts and have more fun. However, the Peace Corps’ 100 lb bag limit meant that I wasn’t going to be able to check a bag with a set of dumbbells. So I decided to challenge myself to build a lightweight, compact home gym that I could pack into a bag and bring down to Mexico. Below are the results.

One last note: the things that make this gym perfect for my Peace Corps experience (versatile, compact, lightweight) also make this a great set up for people living in small apartments, doing the van life thing, or are looking for a portable gym for traveling.

1. Meister Sandbag / Kettle Bell Set

This set is perfect for anyone looking for a portable home gym. It comes with three kettle bells (10, 15, and 20 lbs) that all fit into a larger case to form a 50 lb sandbag, giving you a number of exercise options. The kettle bells are basically dry bags that you fill with sand, so you can transport them empty then fill them when you get to where you’re going. And the best part, I was able to fit all the other equipment into the bag, making the whole set up extremely compact and mobile.

2. Stackable Resistance Band Set

When it comes to fitness equipment that is both versatile and compact, nothing beats resistance bands. Resistance bands make it possible to recreate just about every movement you could do with dumbbells with a number of other advantages. Likewise, studies suggest that resistance bands offer the same muscle development potential of free weights. Plus, by getting a set of “stackable” bands you can connect multiple bands to reach a variety of different resistances up to over 125 lbs.

3. TRX Suspension System

I first started using a TRX when I was in the Army for the same reasons I am still using it now in the Peace Corps: it’s simple, versatile, and compact. The TRX system allows you to leverage your own body weight for resistance while helping you develop strength, balance, and flexibility. Likewise, TRX exercises require a ton of core stability meaning that every exercise will be strengthening your abs, obliques, and lower back. Check out this article for a list of some of the best TRX movements.

4. Yoga Mat

This piece of gear is probably the one I am the most grateful for. When I left the Army I also left with some pretty serious back issues and yoga has been a vital part of my pain management strategy. Beyond pain management, yoga has a number of other benefits such as aiding mental health, increasing flexibility, and improving sleep quality that should make yoga a central part of anyones fitness routine.

5. Running Shoes (not pictured)

Last but not least are my running shoes. I had never been a huge fan of running and honestly didn’t anticipate picking it up while I was in the Peace Corps. While I was in the Army I did a pretty fair amount of it, but that was only because it was mandatory, not because I enjoyed it. However, since living in Mexico I’ve started to run regularly and am finally enjoying it (I ran my first marathon back in April) and have found it to be an invaluable tool in increasing my physical fitness as well as my mental health.

I Just Felt Like Running GIF - Forrestgump Running GIFs